Time to decide if your tower needs some improvements. Is it still standing? Your team may want to review your Engineering Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve) and redesign your structure based on the data you gather. How can you make it more stable, stronger and taller? Have your Historian report modifications you make here in the comments.
We're going to do that now.
Finally compromised on how to hold it up
Compromise is good!
We are going for small but sturdy we won't even come close to the tallest
We are going for small but sturdy we won't even come close to the tallest
This is so hard! But I think we have a good chance, kinda.
We got it standing! Ava snagged a pencil. We are making it higher!
Finally made it somewhere
Use another plan then.
Finely made it somewhere
We got it standing.Ava snagged a pencil. We are still going.
No unkind comments. Positive only!
we beautiful
I'm blue<\>
So hard
We are trying to make it stand
Got it to stand
We are starting 2 make it tall with newspaper
Having trouble holding tower up
We are out of tape
We made a mistake oh no
Building better base hope it works
We have an idea it might work
We are. Done.... It works yayayayayay
We failed
Don't look at it as failure...what did you learn? How would you do it differently? Where did you make your mistake? Can you go back to that step and readjust?
I remember last year
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